Learn more about Community Supported Agriculture and how you can support our farm.

Our 2023 CSA program will take two forms this season depending on where you are located…

In Stevens PointTuesdays, June 20 – August 22, 2023 Downtown Stevens Point, Back Door of 949 Main Street (the old Grubba Jewelers) – Pick up a 3/4 bushel box of assorted, seasonal vegetables. 9-14 items each week
Our box program will also be pay what you can. Our goal is to average $350 per share, and so ask you to thoughtfully consider what your household may be able to contribute. If you would like a monthly payment plan, just send us a note with your 1st payment and we can get you set up with a PayPal subscription to fit your needs.

In Appleton – Pay What You Can, Take What You Would Like Market Share – Saturdays, June 3 (yes, the market is starting earlier next year!) – October 7 – 8a-12:30pm. When you sign up you determine how much you would like to pay. Any week of the market you can stop by our stand and pick up what ever you would like! We will try to set aside items of limited quantity or uniqueness for our CSA members. If you plan to come after 11a any given week, we ask that you just let us know.

**Pre-buy a market gift card and receive 10% all purchases at our market stand. Market cards can also be used for CBD products, dried herbs, and bulk special vegetable orders.
